Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/189

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I should forget my dignity long enough to go to the mat with you. But, being the court, I can only frown and impose a fine of ten dollars for contempt of court.'

"‘But court had adjourned,' gasped poor Remmy, counting the buttons on his coat to see if he were sane and awake.

"‘This court never adjourns when it comes to contempt,' explained Tib.

"As the thoroughly bewildered crowd wandered out into the open, Tib proudly observed to me: 'There may be legal stars of a greater brilliancy than I, my child, but I guess none of 'em ever wrestled with a more complicated crystal maze than that. Nunc pro tunc.'

"But that night we were tipped off by the prosecuting officer of the county that the matter had been rushed before the grand jury then in session, it being charged that Tib and I had conspired to drive the judiciary out of business, and the night train consequently found us companions on its southern jaunt. But many times since I have noted with much pride in the public press that the celebrated Higbutton will case is still trifling with the poise and peace of mind of the various courts in Vermont; and regardless of how they may befuddle it, or solve it, I shall always believe that my old patron's diagnosis was the correct one.