Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/227

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'Where's the Bug?' he whispered, hoarsely. Then cheerily, to deceive the mob, 'Cincinnati one, Boston nothing—in the eighth. B-r-r-r! Send Bug to me on the gallop. Click! click! Dry Lizard at six and Amalgamated forges ahead half a point because of favorable conditions in Russia. Where the deuce is Wogo?' And I trembled to note the old chap was getting a bit rattled, a bad sign, I can assure you, sir. 'Purchase of foney Gainsborough for three millions by an American in London booms Saginaw City bonds to a hundred and twelve. Amalgamated declares a dividend of three pups. Oh, punk!' And Tib paused, breathless, just as Wogo sneaked forward.

"'Trouble with the wire, gentleman,' announced Tib, loudly, and then exchanged a hatful of liquid Spanish with the Bug. As he got the last word he barked at me, without turning, 'One on the dog, Billy. Mark it down to one. Already, gentlemen. The chief dreamed last night that all his dogs grew very small. One of his wives just told Wogo. And he intends to interpret it to the contrary and bull the market. Hustle, oh, hustle, as I must begin my patter. Great Scott! Click! click! B-r-r-r! If it hadn't been for the Bug he'd have cornered Amalgamated Dog to the limit. Make it drop to one. Is it loaded?'

"I sobbed a tremulous affirmative, for now all