Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/261

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the size of a pin-head as we shifted to the slow and breasted that grade. Tib said it was about a fifteen-per-cent. grade, but I'll make my affidavit it was at least a million.

"Breusy hadn't said, however, that the Bally Bloomer could climb up the side of a house for nothing, and I could have hugged her as she swarmed up the ascent with the hostile demons in our wake running as steadily and easily as automatons.

"‘This is Zapopaxi,' bawled Tib. 'A cup-cone and extinct.'

"‘In?' I yelled.

"He darted one last look behind him, and although the goggles hid his eyes, I knew by the shrug of his shoulders he believed he had played his last card.

"‘We go in. Too bad!' he cried.

"And the wind whimpered so I could barely catch it. He recklessly released one hand from the wheel long enough to give my clammy palm a farewell morituri squeeze.

"Then as the heathen gave a yowl of amazement we careened over the top and were at the mouth of the juvenile crater.

"Then, sir, as Tib gave a whoop I nearly fell from the swerving, bouncing seat. For the crater was very small and for all the world like the saucer track we occasionally see at the Garden for endurance