Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/286

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inside, leaving the untasted supper spread invitingly on the bamboo table.

"Then the jungle gave up its secret, and a score or more of half-naked forms, the quaint tattooing on which showed quite plainly, now sprang into view, shaking their weapons and accompanying their gesticulations with fearsome cries and yells.

"To add to the babel, about a score of dogs, gaunt and wolf-like, dashed into the clearing, and, with greater temerity than their masters displayed, ran up near the bungalow and began showing their fangs in a real disquieting fashion.

"‘Don't waste a bullet on the curs,' cried Tib, restraining Danby's trigger-finger as one of the brutes jumped boldly on to the veranda and began bolting our supper.

"And while Mike barricaded the doors and windows, with one accord we three began dropping lead into the heathens. They disappeared like magic at the first volley. Then the sun sank.

"‘If we only had a light out there!' moaned Danby. 'They'll rush us in the dark.'

"‘I fear we'll have more light than we want,' whispered Tib. 'Unless they are thoroughly untutored in cussedness, they'll try to burn us out.'

"Danby turned, looked at his white-faced wife, and groaned. Then Tib pointed to the moon ap-