Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/333

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the boss in irons. If it hadn't been for Tib it never would have happened, he cried. I chipped in then and reminded him her lordship was too high and mighty to hunt for an exit just to avoid a mere man, and I closed with the stars and stripes and our consul in Australia. This distracted his attention a bit, for he forgot Tib in swearing at our consular service.

"‘Billy,' groaned Tib, 'I guess the cap is right, and I'm to blame for her going ashore. But these volunteers will never get her by hunting the brownies with a brass-band.'

"Well, we put in several long hours of waiting, and then two men returned and said reinforcements were needed, as the men had discovered a large village a few miles inland, which they didn't dare to attack alone.

"‘Guess you'd better let some of the passengers chip into this game now,' advised Tib.

"The captain began to rave again, but, seeing that the men left were needed in making repairs, he had to give in. Just then some more of the crew came back to the beach, and, once aboard, panted that the colored folk were getting aggressive, and wouldn't even wait to be attacked.

"‘To the boats, men!' cried the captain, while the steward served out howitzers.

"Before the order could be obeyed the officers and the rest of the gang rushed down to the beach.