Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/343

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in Adelaide and had been ill a long time with brain-fever. In the mean while, her lordship's people had fitted out an expedition to rescue my patron, but even as I was convalescing it returned unsuccessful. The commander said he learned the old chap had died in the fight.

"But I now know he was a liar and a coward and made no search inland. For since then I have heard queer stories about the savage people of Michmil, as the island is called, worshipping a new chief, a white man, who rides about in a man-devouring chariot. They worship him and fear him, yet never allow him to visit the coast. And I know that ruler is Tiberius and that the mowing-machine is his chariot, and I know, since he has won clear of death by his old, indomitable spirit, that he is looking for me and wondering why I do not come. And I am now going back to find him."