Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/93

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factor there was an Englishman, who shot himself while insane. The natives say his ghost walks betimes. Dawley was his name, and it is supposed the solitude, and cold, gray vastness of the country unhinged him. We older fellows know he was crazy before taking the position; for when he came over from the old country he brought along lots of truck that no sane man would have bothered with, and used it in decorating the house. He left no kin, and as he was in debt to the company, many of his effects are still there. If you've not afraid of some supernatural manifestation, you'd better visit the place. It's only a ten-mile skate, and if you find anything you can use in your business, I'll send some men with a sledge to tote it back.'

"I could skate like a fiend, and was zestful for the trip, but feared for Tib.

"‘Don't worry about me, child,' he answered. 'I may not be so slim and ingrowing an elf as you, but I was born in Vermont and could easily shave myself on steel runners. Produce your skates, Mac, and we'll see if my riper years have robbed my feet. We'll start early to-morrow.'

"I suggested that we also lay out some fire-arms, as I had heard one of the trappers the day before remark that the Tan-Nic tribe was on the rampage. MacGully laughed and said I was already dreading Dawley's ghost, and assured us the Tan-Nics were