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Messrs Leonard Smithers & Co.'s

Unparalleled Patty: A Tale of

Life in London. By Thomas Gray. Crown 8vo. Price 3s. 6d. net.

Aurora la Cujiñi. A Realistic Sketch

in Seville. By R. B. Cunninghame Graham. With a Frontispiece. Imperial 16mo. Price 5s. net.

Literary London. Sketches by W. P.

Ryan. Large post 8vo.

[Out of print.

Alone. A Novel by Φ.

Crown 8vo. Price 6s. net.

[Out of print.

Last Links with Byron, Shelley, and

Keats. By Wm. Graham. Large post 8vo. Price 6s. net.

A Chaplet of Love Poems. By

Ethel M. De Fonblanque (Mrs Arthur Harter). Large post 8vo. Price 5s. net. A few copies with Frontispiece Portrait of the Author, 7s. 6d. net.

Verses at Sunset. By Mrs. E. F.

Cunliffe. Large post 8vo. Price 5s. net.

[Out of print.

London Fairy Tales. By A. D.

Lewis. Illustrated by the Artist. Foolscap 4to. Price 4s. net.