Page:Huon of Burdeux - Lee.djvu/343

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is fayre and good, and yf ye take not good hede ye shall leue her and your selfe in grete perell of deth / and yf ye scape the deth, yet shall you suffer suche payne and pouerte that there is no clerke lyuynge so sage that can put it in wrytynge.' 'Syr,' quod Gloryauns / 'me thynke this can not be, seynge the loue that is now betwene hym and Charlemayn,' / 'Gloryauns,' quod Oberon, 'yet I say agayne to[1] you that, or[2] this yere is passyd, Huon shalbe in such distres, and so hardely kept, that yf he had .x. realmes he wolde gyue them all to be out of that daunger that he shalbe in' / than Gloryauns was pensyue, and sayd / 'A, sir, for goddes sake neuer leue Huon your frende in suche daunger / but rather socoure him' / Nor will Oberon aid him,'nay, surely,' quod Oberon, 'that wyll I not doo / syn[3] now that Huon will one day bear his crown.I haue promysyd hym my dygnyte & londe; he shal not be aydyd nor socouryd by me, for he shalbe closyd in suche a plase that I wolde not go thether for .x. of the best cities of the worlde.' Now let vs retourne to[1] Huon, beynge in his palays at Burdeux.

¶ How Huon toke homage of his men & chastesyd his rebelles, & of .iii. pylgremes, by whom myche yll fell [4]after, as ye shall here.

Ca. .lxxxvii.

AFter that kynge Charlemayn was departyd fro Burdeux & that Huon was retournyd, he assembled all his barons, to whom he made good chere, and there they toke there londes & fees of hym The lords of Bordeaux do homage to Huon.& made there homage. Than he toke a .M. chosyn knyghtes with hym, & rode in his londes & tooke possessyon of townes & castelles, & was obeyed in euery place except of one Named
  1. 1.0 1.1 vnto.
  2. before.
  3. seeing.
  4. Fol. lxv. back, col. 2.