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There’s none need hope to gain young Kate
But Donald of Dundee.

When last we rang’d the banks of Tay,
The ring he show’d to me,
And bade me name the bridal-day,
Then happy woo'd he be.
I ken the youth will aye prove kind.
Nae mair my mither will I mind.
Mess John to me shall quickly bind
Young Donald of Dundee.

A Glee for 3 voices.

O lady twine no wreath for me,
Or twine of the cypress tree!
Too lively glows the lily’s light
The varnish’d holly’s all too bright,
The May-flower and the eglantine.
May shade a brow less sad than mine,
But, lady, weave no wreath for me,
Or weave it of the cypress tree.

Let dimpled mirth his temples twine
With tendrils of the laughing vine;
The manly oak, the pensive yew.
To patriot and to sage be due,
The myrtle bough bids lovers live,
But that Matilda will not give;
Then, lady, weave no wreath for me.
Or twine it of the cypress tree.