Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/80

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effectually than scraping the trees. They are almost invisible to the naked eye ; but discoverable by myriads by a magnifying glass.

Lice on Cattle.

COLLECT a quantity of dry dirt and put it in a box or tub in the barn; and occasionally sift or strew some of the dirt over the body of each creature. It is said upon good authority, that if cattle are ever so much infested with lice, this process, a few times repeated, will remove them.

lip salve.

TAKE a quarter of a pound of hard marrow from the bone, melt it over a slow fire, as it gradually dissolves pour the liquid into an earthern pipkin ; then add to it an ounce of spermaceti, twenty raisins of the sun stoned, and a small portion of alkanet root, sufficient to give it a bright vermillion colour. Simmer these over a slow fire tor ten minutes ; then strain the whole through muslin, and while hot stir into it a teaspoonful of the balsam of Peru. Pour it out into small boxes, and as soon as it stiffens it will be fit for use.


BRANDY and Opium mixed have been successfully administered in the Lock Jaw.

lungs, weakness of.

WEAKNESS of the lungs may be remedied by a free use of Kaskarilla, and tincture of myrrh. A decoction