Page:Hutton, William Holden - Hampton Court (1897).djvu/242

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On this side of the car is a warrior on foot, grasping in his right hand a javelin inscribed GREVANCE, and bearing on his left shoulder two clubs, PERESECVCION and CONSOMACION. On the farther side is a crowd of figures being knocked down and crushed by the relentless progress of the car of Fate. Underneath the wheels and the bulls' feet lie many prostrate forms, which are being trampled on; and among them may be distinguished a king in his crown and robes, a burgher, a knight in his helmet, another king, and a pope with the triple tiara and cross. Preceding the car is an armed figure, COVRONS, brandishing in his right hand a javelin, labelled MALHEVR, and carrying over his left shoulder a club, labelled FORTITVDO. There is a duplicate of this piece, with slight varieties,under the Minstrel Gallery.

2. Ye Triumph of Renown.

In this piece (which covers the south wall of the room near the bay window) is shown the overthrow of Destiny or Death by Fame or Renown.

Left-hand side.—Above is the legend:—

La. Mort. moro . tout, . mais. clere. Renomee,
Sur. mort . triumphe . et . ta . tient . Deprime
Dessoubs . ses . pieds, . mais . apres. Ses . effors
Fame . suscite . les. haults . fais. de . gens . mors.

Here we see again the car of Fate, with the same motto on it as before, but LACHESIS and CLOTO are lying prostrate under the wheels; and ATROPOS is tottering from her throne, stunned by the blast of the trumpet of Fame, which RENOMEE is sounding in her ears. All around the car, in answer to the summons of Renown, throng a host of figures, labelled with the names of departed heroes, such as ROI PRIAM, PARIS, HERCVLES, MENELA, ALEXANDER, SALATINO.

Right-handside.—Above is the legend:—

Dui . par . Nirtu. ont . meritee. gloire,
Du' . apres . leur . Mort . ne . leurs. fais. Soit. memoire,
lnclite . fame . neust . jamais . congnoisance
De. Letheus . le . grant . lac. n'oubliance.