Page:Hutton, William Holden - Hampton Court (1897).djvu/85

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To whom the Cardinal said he was very well content they should so do. Then went the maskers, and first saluted all the dames, and then returned to the most worthiest, and there opened their great cup of gold, filled with crowns, and other pieces of gold, to whom they set certain pieces of the gold to cast at. Thus perusing all the ladies and gentlewomen, to some they lost, and of some they won. And perusing after this manner all the ladies, they returned to the Cardinal with great reverence, pouring down all the gold left in their cup, which was above two hundred crowns. 'At all,' quoth the Cardinal, and so cast the dice, and won them, whereat was made great noise and joy. Then quoth the Cardinal to my Lord Chamberlain, 'I pray you,' quoth he, 'that you will show them that meseemeth there should be a noble man amongst them, who is more meet to occupy this seat and place than am I; to whom I would most gladly surrender the same, according to my duty, if I knew him.' Then spake my Lord Chamberlain unto them in French, declaring my Lord Cardinal's words, and they rounding him again in the ear, the Lord Chamberlain said to my Lord Cardinal, 'Sir, they confess,' quoth he, 'that among them there is such a noble personage, whom, if your Grace can appoint out from the rest, he is content to disclose himself, and to take and accept your place, most worthily.' With that the Cardinal, taking a good advisement among them, at the last, quoth he, 'Meseemeth the gentleman with the black beard