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The Publiſher’s Preface.

Tongues; I ſay, after theſe great Authors have treated on as learned and abſtruſe Subjects in the ſame Language, I hope their Example will be allowed a ſufficient excuſe for printing this Book in Engliſh.

Concerning this Edition I can ſay, that I have taken care to have the Cutts exactly done, and have placed each Figure at the Page of the book that refers to it, which I take to be more convenient to the Reader than putting them all at the End.

I have been careful to procure the beſt Paper; that I might in ſome meaſure come up to the Beauty of the Latin Edition, though this bear but half the Price of it.

And I hope the Tranſlator has expreſſed the Author’s Senſe aright, and has not committed Faults beyond what an ingenuous Reader can pardon.