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the Planetary Worlds.
Book I.
little from that in which Earth moves, call’d The Plane of the Ecliptick. This Plane is cut obliquely by the Axis upon which the Earth turns it ſ elf round with reſpect to the Sun in 24 Hours, whence ariſe the Succeſſions of Day and Night: The Axis of the Earth always keeping the ſame Inclination to the Ecliptick (except a ſmall Change beſt known to the Aſtronomers) while the Earth itſelf is carried in its yearly Order of the Seaſons of the Year: as you may ſee in all Aſtronomers Books. Out of which I ſhall tranſcribe hither the Periods of the Revolutions of the Planets, viz. Saturn moves round the Sun in 29 Year, 174 Days, and 5 Hours: Jupiter finiſhes his Courſe in 11 Years, 317 Days, and 15 Hours: Mars his in about 687 Days. Our Year is 365 Days 6 Hours: and Mercury’s 88 Days. This is the now commonly received Syſtem, invented by Copernicus, and very agreeable to that frugal Simplicity Nature ſhows in all
B 2