Page:Hyderabad in 1890 and 1891; comprising all the letters on Hyderabad affairs written to the Madras Hindu by its Hyderabad correspondent during 1890 and 1891 (IA hyderabadin1890100bangrich).pdf/10

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2 being unpunctual. Acknowledging his great consideration for me in the usual oriental terms, I proceeded to business. What transpired, I shall note down below pro bono publico. "I have heard a good deal" I began, "about men in power here and their measures, and I am here to find out, if possible, from you how far what I have heard is true." "I am thankful to you," he replied, " for taking the trouble of coming all the way here to find out the truth. I shall be glad to answer, as well as I could, any questions you may wish to put me." "There is an impression abroad that the Administration is individually, as well as in a body, opposed to the Hindu interests. Has this impression any foundation in fact ?" "No. As for myself, I have always favoured the Hindus. (And pointing out to me a paragraph in the report submitted by him, to the late Nawab Muneer-ul-Mulk Babadur, as Subedhar of the Eastern Division, in which reference is made to the placing of the temple of Jeedkul on a footing of equality with Mahomedan shrines in respect of Government grant, he continued.) This paragraph will show you whether I am opposed to the Hindu interests or not." This paragraph" I put in, "shows you favoured the Hindus about 3 years ago, that is, when you had no power, and it does not give one an idea as to whether now that you are in power, you continue to be what you were then." "Since coming into power I have been instrumental in the Government granting inam lands to many Hindus in the District. And the charge of antagonism to Hindus as applied to the Government is groundless, inasmuch as only recently a Hindu has been made a Judge of the Small Causes Court and another Hindu promoted to be Assistant Judicial Commissioner of a whole District."