Page:Hyderabad in 1890 and 1891; comprising all the letters on Hyderabad affairs written to the Madras Hindu by its Hyderabad correspondent during 1890 and 1891 (IA hyderabadin1890100bangrich).pdf/54

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Page 46

fast coming to the days when justice will have fled to brutish beasts and Judges will have lost their reason.

The "Hyderabad Record" has an unusually trenchant article on this subject in his issue of the 24th Instant. The note of alarm he strikes in behalf of His Highness' subjects, "any one of whom may at some time or other have occasion to become a suitor for justice" in a case like the present one-has no uncertain ring about it. And it is to be fervently hoped that it will "catch" the ears of His Highness the Nizam and the Resident who represents Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen Empress, the very impersonation of justice, at his Court. The "Record " expresses a hope that the blood-stained garments and letters found in the accused's house will "not share the fate of the bond in the "Forgery case" which so mysteriously disap- peared from the strong room, of the Court Registrar, a circum- stance into which the police were prevented from making any investigation"-and is of opinion that "as matters stand at present, given a plastic Judge and an influential or wealthy criminal the administration of justice is not only a "toss up" as was lately stated in open Court by a well-known Barrister, for in every" toss-up" there is at least an element of chance, but a foregone conclusion."

I have been put in possession of a copy of the proceedings of the first of the Treasury frauds cases. A perusal of this must bring home to every one's mind the truth of every one of the statements made in my letter on the Hyderabad Treasury frauds. The order passed by the then Accountant-General, the Nawab Mukharrub Jung Bahadur, on the memo, snbmitted by Mr. Gya Pershad, runs thus:-" The auditing of the cheques, and the sole responsibility thereof relates to the audit (Branch) of the City, and the signature of the Deputy Accountant General should be made, after the Auditor has made his, for the sake of passing the cheques."

And the office order-book confirms it in these terms :-