Page:Hyderabad in 1890 and 1891; comprising all the letters on Hyderabad affairs written to the Madras Hindu by its Hyderabad correspondent during 1890 and 1891 (IA hyderabadin1890100bangrich).pdf/72

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considerable importance to the State, and this difference has resulted in the non-appearance of Hyderabad telegrams in the columns of the paper. Here ends for the present the history of the persecution.

The above is not the only instance in which a man has suffered for his independence in Hyderabad. Dozens of such instances have come to my knowledge and I may have occasion to refer to some at least of them in future letters.

I was in Court last Thursday to hear the City murder case and was glad to notice that the High Court had perceived the desirability of providing representatives of the Press with seats. Very little of evidence taking was done because of the absence of several witnesses. And the case was adjourned to 12 o'clock to-day. Now that Mr. Hafiz Almed Raza Khan has brought himself to consent to admit further evidence against all the accused, I hope that evidence will be put in to prove that the murdered woman was known as Mumthias as well as Imthiaz, and the Judge will be pressed to send for Abdul Wahid's answer papers in the Pleadership examination in order that the prosecution might prove the letters found in Aboo Husan's house to be in Wahid's handwriting.

I have a few nuts for the apologists of the present Government to crack. Why and by whose authority was Syed Ahmed's pay stopped by the Accountant-General for a period of about two months after the decision of Jaya Rao's case? At whose intercession and according to whose orders was it paid to him? On what ground was it again stopped to be again paid in a hump sum? And why has it been notified to a poor clerk, by name Kareemuddeen, in the Accountant-General's Office, that in case he does not try and get himself transferred to some other Department he will be dismissed from the service?

The Hyderabad Record reports a curious case of miscarriage of justice in one of the City courts. A man stands accused of