Page:Hymns for the Lord's Resurrection.djvu/5

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Hymn II.

1SInners, dismiss your Fear,
The joyful Tidings hear!
This the Word that JESUS said,
O believe, and feel it true,
Christ is risen from the Dead,
Lives the Lord who died for you!

2Haste, to his Tomb repair,
And see the Tokens there;
See the Place where JESUS lay,
Mark the Burial-Cloaths He wore:
Angels near his Relicks stay,
Guards of Him who dies no more.

3Why then art Thou cast down,
Thou poor afflicted One?
Full of Doubts, and Griefs, and Fears,
Look into that Open Grave!
Died He not to dry thy Tears?
Rose He not thy Soul to save?

4Know'st Thou not where to find
The Saviour of Mankind?
He hath borne Himself away,
He from Death Himself hath freed,
He on the Third glorious Day,
Rose triumphant from the Dead.

5To purge thy guilty Stain
He died, and rose again:
Wherefore dost Thou weep and mourn?
Sinner, lift thine Heart and Eye,
Turn thee, to thy JESUS turn,
See thy loving Saviour nigh.

6He comes His own to claim,

He calls thee by thy Name:
