Page:I, Mary MacLane (1917).pdf/79

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rifled just like this.'

'Like hell they are,' said Frank.

'Say-Frank, my grandfather in Illinois 's got a bullet in him he got at the battle o' Fredericksburg in the Civil War.'

'Like hell he has,' said Frank.

'Say-Frank, it costs a hundred-thousand dollars to make a Krupp gun and eighty dollars ev'ry time you fire it.'

'Like hell it does,' said Frank.

'Say-Frank, it ain't a felony to croak a burglar with a gun even if he's only breakin' into somebody else's house.'

'Like hell it ain't,' said Frank.

'Say-Frank, my mother goes huntin', too—she can shoot rabbits and ducks on the wing and once she got a deer with that big old .44 o' my Uncle Walt's.'

'Like hell she did,' said Frank.

'Say-Frank—listen, will you gimme your gun for my bicycle, both my catcher's gloves and four dollars when I get paid?'

'Like hell I will,' said Frank.

'Say-Frank—listen, will you gimme it for my bicycle, my two catcher's gloves, four dollars when I get paid and my shepherd pup?'

'Like hell I will,' said Frank.

'Say-Frank—listen,—and my artificial snake?'