Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1171

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illness polyneuropathy (G62.81)

disseminated intravascular coagulopathy [DIC] (D65)
encephalopathy (metabolic) (septic) (G93.41)
hepatic failure (K72.0-)
R65.20 Severe sepsis without septic shock
Severe sepsis NOS
R65.21 Severe sepsis with septic shock

R68 Other general symptoms and signs

R68.0 Hypothermia, not associated with low environmental temperature
Excludes1: hypothermia NOS (accidental) (T68)
hypothermia due to anesthesia (T88.51)
hypothermia due to low environmental temperature (T68)
newborn hypothermia (P80.-)
R68.1 Nonspecific symptoms peculiar to infancy
Excludes1: colic, infantile (R10.43)
neonatal cerebral irritability (P91.3)
teething syndrome (K00.7)
R68.11 Excessive crying of infant (baby)
Excludes1: excessive crying of child, adolescent, or adult (R45.83)
R68.12 Fussy infant (baby)
Irritable infant
R68.13 Apparent life threatening event in infant [ALTE]
Apparent life threatening event in newborn
Use additional code(s) for associated signs and symptoms
Excludes1: signs and symptoms associated with a confirmed diagnosis - code to confirmed diagnosis
R68.19 Other nonspecific symptoms peculiar to infancy
R68.2 Dry mouth, unspecified
Excludes1: dry mouth due to dehydration (E86.0)
dry mouth due to sicca syndrome [Sj?gren] (M35.0-)
salivary gland hyposecretion (K11.7)
R68.3 Clubbing of fingers
Clubbing of nails
Excludes1: congenital clubfinger (Q68.1)
R68.8 Other general symptoms and signs
R68.81 Early satiety
R68.82 Decreased libido
Decreased sexual desire
R68.83 Chills (without fever)
Chills NOS
Excludes1: chills with fever (R50.9)
R68.89 Other general symptoms and signs

R69 Illness NOS
