Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1183

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endocervical cells of vagina NOS

Atypical endometrial cells of vagina NOS
Atypical glandular cells of vagina NOS
R87.69 Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from other female genital organs
Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from female genital organs NOS
Excludes1: dysplasia of vulva (histologically confirmed) (N90.0-N90.3)
R87.7 Abnormal histological findings in specimens from female genital organs
Excludes1: carcinoma in situ (histologically confirmed) of female genital organs (D06-D07.3)
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia I [CIN I] (N87.0)
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia II [CIN II] (N87.1)
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III [CIN III] (D06.-)
dysplasia (mild) (moderate) of cervix uteri (histologically confirmed) (N87.-)
dysplasia (mild) (moderate) of vagina (histologically confirmed) (N89.-)
vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia I [VAIN I] (N89.0)
vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia II [VAIN II] (N89.1)
vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia III [VAIN III] (D07.2)
severe dysplasia of cervix uteri (histologically confirmed) (D06.-)
severe dysplasia of vagina (histologically confirmed) (D07.2)
R87.8 Other abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs
R87.81 High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive from female genital organs
Excludes1: anogenital warts due to human papillomavirus (HPV) (A63.0)
condyloma acuminatum (A63.0)
R87.810 Cervical high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive
R87.811 Vaginal high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive
R87.82 Low risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive from female genital organs
Use additional code for associated human papillomavirus (B97.7)
R87.820 Cervical low risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive
R87.821 Vaginal low risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive