Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1400

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fracture of first metacarpal bone (S62.2-)

S62.30 Unspecified fracture of other metacarpal bone
S62.300 Unspecified fracture of second metacarpal bone, right hand
S62.301 Unspecified fracture of second metacarpal bone, left hand
S62.302 Unspecified fracture of third metacarpal bone, right hand
S62.303 Unspecified fracture of third metacarpal bone, left hand
S62.304 Unspecified fracture of fourth metacarpal bone, right hand
S62.305 Unspecified fracture of fourth metacarpal bone, left hand
S62.306 Unspecified fracture of fifth metacarpal bone, right hand
S62.307 Unspecified fracture of fifth metacarpal bone, left hand
S62.308 Unspecified fracture of other metacarpal bone
Unspecified fracture of specified metacarpal bone with unspecified laterality
S62.309 Unspecified fracture of unspecified metacarpal bone
S62.31 Displaced fracture of base of other metacarpal bone
S62.310 Displaced fracture of base of second metacarpal bone, right hand
S62.311 Displaced fracture of base of second metacarpal bone. left hand
S62.312 Displaced fracture of base of third metacarpal bone, right hand
S62.313 Displaced fracture of base of third metacarpal bone, left hand
S62.314 Displaced fracture of base of fourth metacarpal bone, right hand
S62.315 Displaced fracture of base of fourth metacarpal bone, left hand
S62.316 Displaced fracture of base of fifth metacarpal bone, right hand
S62.317 Displaced fracture of base of fifth metacarpal bone. left hand
S62.318 Displaced fracture of base of other metacarpal bone