Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/158

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8 Other specified nutritional anemias

Anemia associated with deficiency of copper
Anemia associated with deficiency of molybdenum
Anemia associated with deficiency of zinc
Excludes1: nutritional deficiencies without anemia, such as:
copper deficiency NOS (E61.0)
molybdenum deficiency NOS (E61.5)
zinc deficiency NOS (E60)
D53.9 Nutritional anemia, unspecified
Simple chronic anemia
Excludes1: anemia NOS (D64.9)

Hemolytic anemias (D55-D59)

D55 Anemia due to enzyme disorders

Excludes1: drug-induced enzyme deficiency anemia (D59.2)
D55.0 Anemia due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [G6PD] deficiency
G6PD deficiency anemia
D55.1 Anemia due to other disorders of glutathione metabolism
Anemia (due to) enzyme deficiencies, except G6PD, related to the hexose monophosphate [HMP] shunt pathway
Anemia (due to) hemolytic nonspherocytic (hereditary), type I
D55.2 Anemia due to disorders of glycolytic enzymes
Hemolytic nonspherocytic (hereditary) anemia, type II
Hexokinase deficiency anemia
Pyruvate kinase [PK] deficiency anemia
Triose-phosphate isomerase deficiency anemia
Excludes1: disorders of glycolysis not associated with anemia (E74.8)
D55.3 Anemia due to disorders of nucleotide metabolism
D55.8 Other anemias due to enzyme disorders
D55.9 Anemia due to enzyme disorder, unspecified
D56 Thalassemia
Excludes1: sickle-cell thalassemia (D57.4-)

D56.0 Alpha thalassemia

Alpha thalassemia major
Hemoglobin H disease
Severe alpha thalassemia
Triple gene defect alpha thalassemia
Excludes1: alpha thalassemia minor (D56.3)
asymptomatic alpha thalassemia (D56.3)
hydrops fetalis due to hemolytic disease (P56.-)
D56.1 Beta thalassemia
Beta thalassemia major