Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1866

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drowning and submersion while in swimming pool without fall (W67)

W16.032 Fall into swimming pool striking wall causing other injury
W16.1 Fall into natural body of water
Fall into lake
Fall into open sea
Fall into river
Fall into stream
W16.11 Fall into natural body of water striking water surface
W16.111 Fall into natural body of water striking water surface causing drowning and submersion
Excludes1: drowning and submersion while in natural body of water without fall (W69)
W16.112 Fall into natural body of water striking water surface causing other injury
W16.12 Fall into natural body of water striking bottom
W16.121 Fall into natural body of water striking bottom causing drowning and submersion
Excludes1: drowning and submersion while in natural body of water without fall (W69)
W16.122 Fall into natural body of water striking bottom causing other injury
W16.13 Fall into natural body of water striking side
W16.131 Fall into natural body of water striking side causing drowning and submersion
Excludes1: drowning and submersion while in natural body of water without fall (W69)
W16.132 Fall into natural body of water striking side causing other injury
W16.2 Fall in (into) filled bathtub or bucket of water
W16.21 Fall in (into) filled bathtub
Excludes1: fall into empty bathtub (W18.2)
W16.211 Fall in (into) filled bathtub causing drowning and submersion
Excludes1: drowning and submersion while in filled bathtub without fall (W65)