Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1868

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52 Jumping or diving into swimming pool striking bottom

W16.521 Jumping or diving into swimming pool striking bottom causing drowning and submersion
Excludes1: drowning and submersion while in swimming pool without jumping or diving (W67)
W16.522 Jumping or diving into swimming pool striking bottom causing other injury
W16.53 Jumping or diving into swimming pool striking wall
W16.531 Jumping or diving into swimming pool striking wall causing drowning and submersion
Excludes1: drowning and submersion while in swimming pool without jumping or diving (W67)
W16.532 Jumping or diving into swimming pool striking wall causing other injury
W16.6 Jumping or diving into natural body of water
Jumping or diving into lake
Jumping or diving into open sea
Jumping or diving into river
Jumping or diving into stream
W16.61 Jumping or diving into natural body of water striking water surface
W16.611 Jumping or diving into natural body of water striking water surface causing drowning and submersion
Excludes1: drowning and submersion while in natural body of water without jumping or diving (W69)
W16.612 Jumping or diving into natural body of water striking water surface causing other injury
W16.62 Jumping or diving into natural body of water striking bottom
W16.621 Jumping or diving into natural body of water striking bottom causing drowning and submersion
Excludes1: drowning and submersion while in natural body of water without jumping or diving (W69)
W16.622 Jumping or diving into natural body of water striking bottom causing other injury