Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1921

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operations involving explosion of marine weapons (Y36.0-)

war operations involving explosion of nuclear weapons (Y36.5-)
war operations involving explosion occurring after cessation of hostilities (Y36.8-)
Y36.20 War operations involving unspecified explosion and fragments
War operations involving air blast NOS
War operations involving blast NOS
War operations involving blast fragments NOS
War operations involving blast wave NOS
War operations involving blast wind NOS
War operations involving explosion NOS
War operations involving explosion of bomb NOS
Y36.200 War operations involving unspecified explosion and fragments, military personnel
Y36.201 War operations involving unspecified explosion and fragments, civilian
Y36.21 War operations involving explosion of aerial bomb
Y36.210 War operations involving explosion of aerial bomb, military personnel
Y36.211 War operations involving explosion of aerial bomb, civilian
Y36.22 War operations involving explosion of guided missile
Y36.220 War operations involving explosion of guided missile, military personnel
Y36.221 War operations involving explosion of guided missile, civilian
Y36.23 War operations involving explosion of improvised explosive device [IED]
War operations involving explosion of person-borne improvised explosive device [IED]
War operations involving explosion of vehicle-borne improvised explosive device [IED]
War operations involving explosion of roadside improvised explosive device [IED]
Y36.230 War operations involving explosion of improvised explosive device [IED], military personnel
Y36.231 War operations involving explosion of improvised explosive device [IED], civilian
Y36.24 War operations involving explosion due to accidental detonation and discharge of own munitions or munitions launch device