Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1985

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infertility (N97.-)

male infertility (N46.-)
Z31.0 Encounter for reversal of previous sterilization
Z31.4 Encounter for procreative investigation and testing
Excludes1: postvasectomy sperm count (Z30.8)
Z31.41 Encounter for fertility testing
Encounter for fallopian tube patency testing
Encounter for sperm count for fertility testing
Z31.42 Aftercare following sterilization reversal
Sperm count following sterilization reversal
Z31.43 Encounter for genetic testing of female for procreative management
Use additional code for habitual aborter, if applicable (N96, O26.2-)
Excludes1: nonprocreative genetic testing (Z13.7-)
Z31.430 Encounter of female for testing for genetic disease carrier status for procreative management
Z31.438 Encounter for other genetic testing of female for procreative managment
Z31.44 Encounter for genetic testing of male for procreative management
Excludes1: nonprocreative genetic testing (Z13.7-)
Z31.440 Encounter of male for testing for genetic disease carrier status for procreative management
Z31.441 Encounter for testing of male partner of habitual aborter
Z31.448 Encounter for other genetic testing of male for procreative management
Z31.49 Encounter for other procreative investigation and testing
Z31.5 Encounter for genetic counseling
Z31.6 Encounter for general counseling and advice on procreation
Z31.61 Procreative counseling and advice using natural family planning
Z31.62 Encounter for fertility preservation counseling
Encounter for fertility preservation counseling prior to cancer therapy
Encounter for fertility preservation counseling prior to surgical removal of gonads
Z31.69 Encounter for other general counseling and advice on procreation
Z31.8 Encounter for other procreative management
Z31.81 Encounter for male factor infertility in female patient
Z31.82 Encounter for Rh incompatibility status