Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/2006

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encountering health services in other circumstances (Z69-Z76)=

Z69 Encounter for mental health services for victim and perpetrator of abuse

Counseling for victims and perpetrators of abuse
Z69.0 Encounter for mental health services for child abuse problems
Z69.01 Encounter for mental health services for parental child abuse
Z69.010 Encounter for mental health services for victim of parental child abuse
Z69.011 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of parental child abuse
Excludes1: encounter for mental health services for non-parental child abuse (Z69.02-)
Z69.02 Encounter for mental health services for non-parental child abuse
Z69.020 Encounter for mental health services for victim of non-parental child abuse
Z69.021 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of non-parental child abuse
Z69.1 Encounter for mental health services for spousal or partner abuse problems
Z69.11 Encounter for mental health services for victim of spousal or partner abuse
Z69.12 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of spousal or partner abuse
Z69.8 Encounter for mental health services for victim or perpetrator of other abuse
Z69.81 Encounter for mental health services for victim of other abuse
Encounter for rape victim counseling
Z69.82 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of other abuse
Encounter for mental health services for sexual attitude, behavior and orientation
Excludes2: contraceptive or procreative counseling (Z30-Z31)
Z70.0 Counseling related to sexual attitude
Z70.1 Counseling related to patient's sexual behavior and orientation
Patient concerned regarding impotence
Patient concerned regarding non-responsiveness
Patient concerned regarding promiscuity