Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/228

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deficiency [pellagra] (E52)

Parkinson's disease (G20)
Pick's disease (G31.01)
polyarteritis nodosa (M30.0)
systemic lupus erythematosus (M32.-)
trypanosomiasis (B56.-, B57.-)
vitamin B deficiency (E53.8)
Excludes1: dementia with Parkinsonism (G31.83)
Excludes2: dementia in alcohol and psychoactive substance disorders (F10-F19, with .17, .27, .97)
vascular dementia (F01.5-)
F02.8 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere
F02.80 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, without behavioral disturbance
Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere NOS
F02.81 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, with behavioral disturbance
Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere with aggressive behavior
Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere with combative behavior
Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere with violent behavior
Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere with wandering off

F03 Unspecified dementia

Includes: presenile dementia NOS
presenile psychosis NOS
primary degenerative dementia NOS
senile dementia NOS
senile dementia depressed or paranoid type
senile psychosis NOS
Excludes1: senility NOS (R41.81)
Excludes2: senile dementia with delirium or acute confusional state (F05)

F04 Amnestic disorder due to known physiological condition

Includes: Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, nonalcoholic
Code first the underlying physiological condition
Excludes1: amnesia NOS (R41.3)
anterograde amnesia (R41.1)
dissociative amnesia (F44.0)
retrograde amnesia (R41.2)
Excludes2: alcohol-induced or unspecified Korsakov's syndrome (F10.26, F10.96)
Korsakov's syndrome induced by other psychoactive substances (F13.26, F13.96, F19.16, F19.26, F19.96)
