Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/264

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Persistent mood [affective] disorders==

F34.0 Cyclothymic disorder
Affective personality disorder
Cycloid personality
Cyclothymic personality
F34.1 Dysthymic disorder
Depressive neurosis
Depressive personality disorder
Neurotic depression
Persistent anxiety depression
Excludes2: anxiety depression (mild or not persistent) (F41.8)
F34.8 Other persistent mood [affective] disorders
F34.9 Persistent mood [affective] disorder, unspecified

F39 Unspecified mood [affective] disorder

Includes: affective psychosis NOS

Anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, somatoform and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (F40-F48)

F40 Phobic anxiety disorders

F40.0 Agoraphobia
F40.00 Agoraphobia, unspecified
F40.01 Agoraphobia with panic disorder
Panic disorder with agoraphobia
Excludes1: panic disorder without agoraphobia (F41.0)
F40.02 Agoraphobia without panic disorder
F40.1 Social phobias
Social anxiety disorder of childhood
Social neurosis
F40.10 Social phobia, unspecified
F40.11 Social phobia, generalized
F40.2 Specific (isolated) phobias
Excludes2: dysmorphophobia (nondelusional) (F45.22)
nosophobia (F45.22)
F40.21 Animal type phobia
F40.210 Arachnophobia
Fear of spiders
F40.218 Other animal type phobia
F40.22 Natural environment type phobia
F40.220 Fear of thunderstorms
F40.228 Other natural environment type phobia