Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/281

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disorders not due to a substance or known physiological condition (F51.-)

F98.0 Enuresis not due to a substance or known physiological condition
Enuresis (primary) (secondary) of nonorganic origin
Functional enuresis
Psychogenic enuresis
Urinary incontinence of nonorganic origin
Excludes1: enuresis NOS (R32)
F98.1 Encopresis not due to a substance or known physiological condition
Functional encopresis
Incontinence of feces of nonorganic origin
Psychogenic encopresis
Use additional code to identify the cause of any coexisting constipation.
Excludes1: encopresis NOS (R15)
F98.2 Other feeding disorders of infancy and childhood
Excludes1: feeding difficulties (R63.3)
Excludes2: anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders (F50.-)
feeding problems of newborn (P92.-)
pica of infancy or childhood (F98.3)
F98.21 Rumination disorder of infancy
F98.29 Other feeding disorders of infancy and early childhood
F98.3 Pica of infancy and childhood
F98.4 Stereotyped movement disorders
Stereotype/habit disorder
Excludes1: abnormal involuntary movements (R25.-)
Excludes2: compulsions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (F42)
hair plucking (F63.3)
movement disorders of organic origin (G20-G25)
nail-biting (F98.8)
nose-picking (F98.8)
stereotypies that are part of a broader psychiatric condition (F01-F95)
thumb-sucking (F98.8)
tic disorders (F95.-)
trichotillomania (F63.3)
F98.5 Stuttering [stammering]
Fluency disorder
Excludes2: cluttering (F98.8)
dysphasia (R47.02)
stuttering (fluency disorder) following cerebrovascular disease (I69. with final characters -23)
tic disorders (F95.-)
F98.8 Other specified behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence