Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/294

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diseases of the central nervous system (G35-G37) =

G35 Multiple sclerosis

Includes disseminated multiple sclerosis
generalized multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis NOS
multiple sclerosis of brain stem
multiple sclerosis of cord

G36 Other acute disseminated demyelination

Excludes1: postinfectious encephalitis and encephalomyelitis NOS (G04.020)
G36.0 Neuromyelitis optica [Devic]
Demyelination in optic neuritis
Excludes1: optic neuritis NOS (H46)
G36.1 Acute and subacute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis [Hurst]
G36.8 Other specified acute disseminated demyelination
G36.9 Acute disseminated demyelination, unspecified

G37 Other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system

G37.0 Diffuse sclerosis of central nervous system
Periaxial encephalitis
Schilder's disease
Excludes1: X linked adrenoleukodystrophy (E71.42-)
G37.1 Central demyelination of corpus callosum
G37.2 Central pontine myelinolysis
G37.3 Acute transverse myelitis in demyelinating disease of central nervous system
Acute transverse myelitis NOS
Acute transverse myelopathy
Excludes1: multiple sclerosis (G35)
neuromyelitis optica [Devic] (G36.0)
G37.4 Subacute necrotizing myelitis of central nervous system
G37.5 Concentric sclerosis [Balo] of central nervous system
G37.8 Other specified demyelinating diseases of central nervous system
G37.9 Demyelinating disease of central nervous system, unspecified

Episodic and paroxysmal disorders (G40-G47)

G40 Epilepsy and recurrent seizures

Note: the following terms are to be considered equivalent to intractable: pharmacoresistant (pharmacologically resistant), treatment resistant, refractory (medically) and poorly controlled