Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/419

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Category of visual impairment Visual acuity with best possible correction
Maximum less than: Minimum equal to or better than:
1 6/18 6/60
3/10 (0.3) 1/10 (0.1)
20/70 20/200
2 6/60 3/60
1/10 (0.1) 1/20 (0.5)
20/200 20/400
3 3/60 1/60 (finger counting at one meter)
1/20 (0.05) 1/50 (0.02)
20/400 5/300 (20/1200)
4 1/60 (finger counting at one meter) Light perception
1/50 (0.02)
5 No light perception
9 Undetermined or unspecified

Other disorders of eye and adnexa (H55-H59)

H55 Nystagmus and other irregular eye movements

H55.0 Nystagmus
H55.00 Unspecified nystagmus
H55.01 Congenital nystagmus
H55.02 Latent nystagmus
H55.03 Visual deprivation nystagmus
H55.04 Dissociated nystagmus
H55.09 Other forms of nystagmus
H55.8 Other irregular eye movements