Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/55

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B77.0 Ascariasis with intestinal complications
B77.8 Ascariasis with other complications
B77.81 Ascariasis pneumonia
B77.89 Ascariasis with other complications
B77.9 Ascariasis, unspecified

B78 Strongyloidiasis

Excludes1: trichostrongyliasis (B81.2)
B78.0 Intestinal strongyloidiasis
B78.1 Cutaneous strongyloidiasis
B78.7 Disseminated strongyloidiasis
B78.9 Strongyloidiasis, unspecified

B79 Trichuriasis

Includes: trichocephaliasis
whipworm (disease)(infection)

B80 Enterobiasis

Includes: oxyuriasis
pinworm infection
threadworm infection

B81 Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified

Excludes1: angiostrongyliasis due to Parastrongylus cantonensis (B83.2)
B81.0 Anisakiasis
Infection due to Anisakis larva
B81.1 Intestinal capillariasis
Capillariasis NOS
Infection due to Capillaria philippinensis
Excludes2: hepatic capillariasis (B83.8)
B81.2 Trichostrongyliasis
B81.3 Intestinal angiostrongyliasis
Angiostrongyliasis due to Parastrongylus costaricensis
B81.4 Mixed intestinal helminthiases
Infection due to intestinal helminths classified to more than one of the categories B65.0-B81.3 and B81.8
Mixed helminthiasis NOS
B81.8 Other specified intestinal helminthiases
Infection due to Oesophagostomum species [esophagostomiasis]
Infection due to Ternidens diminutus [ternidensiasis]

B82 Unspecified intestinal parasitism

B82.0 Intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified
B82.9 Intestinal parasitism, unspecified

B83 Other helminthiases

Excludes1: capillariasis NOS (B81.1)