Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/575

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0 Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess

Peripharyngeal abscess
Excludes1: peritonsillar abscess (J36)
J39.1 Other abscess of pharynx
Cellulitis of pharynx
Nasopharyngeal abscess
J39.2 Other diseases of pharynx
Cyst of pharynx
Edema of pharynx
Excludes2: chronic pharyngitis (J31.2)
ulcerative pharyngitis (J02.9)
J39.3 Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified
Excludes1: hypersensitivity reaction of upper respiratory tract, such as:
extrinsic allergic alveolitis (J67.9)
pneumoconiosis (J60-J67.9)
J39.8 Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract
J39.9 Disease of upper respiratory tract, unspecified

Chronic lower respiratory diseases (J40-J47)

Excludes1: bronchitis due to chemicals, gases, fumes and vapors (J68.0)
Excludes2: cystic fibrosis (E84.-)

J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic

Includes: bronchitis NOS
catarrhal bronchitis
bronchitis with tracheitis NOS
tracheobronchitis NOS
Use additional code to identify:
exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
history of tobacco use (Z87.891)
occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
tobacco dependence (F17.-)
tobacco use (Z72.0)
Excludes1: allergic bronchitis NOS (J45.909-)
asthmatic bronchitis NOS (J45.9-)
bronchitis due to chemicals, gases, fumes and vapors (J68.0)

J41 Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis

Use additional code to identify:
exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
history of tobacco use (Z87.891)
occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
tobacco dependence (F17.-)