Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/643

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additional code, if applicable, to further specify disorder

Excludes2: postprocedural retroperitoneal abscess (K68.11)

K92 Other diseases of digestive system

Excludes1: neonatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage (P54.0-P54.3)
K92.0 Hematemesis
K92.1 Melena
Excludes1: occult blood in feces (R19.5)
K92.2 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, unspecified
Gastric hemorrhage NOS
Intestinal hemorrhage NOS
Excludes1: acute hemorrhagic gastritis (K29.01)
hemorrhage of anus and rectum (K62.5)
angiodysplasia of stomach with hemorrhage (K31.811)
diverticular disease with hemorrhage (K57.-)
gastritis and duodenitis with hemorrhage (K29.-)
peptic ulcer with hemorrhage (K25-K28)
K92.8 Other specified diseases of the digestive system
K92.81 Gastrointestinal mucositis (ulcerative)
Code also type of associated therapy, such as:
antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs (T45.1x-)
radiological procedure and radiotherapy (Y84.2)
Excludes2: mucositis (ulcerative) of vagina and vulva (N76.81)
nasal mucositis (ulcerative) (J34.81)
oral mucositis (ulcerative) (K12.3-)
K92.89 Other specified diseases of the digestive system
K92.9 Disease of digestive system, unspecified

K94 Complications of artificial openings of the digestive system

K94.0 Colostomy complications
K94.00 Colostomy complication, unspecified
K94.01 Colostomy hemorrhage
K94.02 Colostomy infection
Use additional code to specify type of infection, such as:
cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.32)
sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)
K94.03 Colostomy malfunction
Mechanical complication of colostomy
K94.09 Other complications of colostomy
K94.1 Enterostomy complications
K94.10 Enterostomy complication, unspecified
K94.11 Enterostomy hemorrhage
K94.12 Enterostomy infection