Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/68

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malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold or interarytenoid fold, laryngeal aspect (C32.1)

C13.2 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of hypopharynx
C13.8 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of hypopharynx
C13.9 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified
Malignant neoplasm of hypopharyngeal wall NOS

C14 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity and pharynx

Excludes1: malignant neoplasm of oral cavity NOS (C06.9)
Use additional code to identify:
alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
history of tobacco use (Z87.891)
occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
tobacco dependence (F17.-)
tobacco use (Z72.0)
C14.0 Malignant neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified
C14.2 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring
C14.8 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
Primary malignant neoplasm of two or more contiguous sites of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
Excludes1: "book leaf" neoplasm [ventral surface of tongue and floor of mouth] (C06.89)

Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs (C15-C26)

Excludes1: Kaposi's sarcoma of gastrointestinal sites (C46.4)

C15 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus

Use additional code to identify:
alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
C15.3 Malignant neoplasm of upper third of esophagus
C15.4 Malignant neoplasm of middle third of esophagus
C15.5 Malignant neoplasm of lower third of esophagus
Excludes1: malignant neoplasm of cardio-esophageal junction (C16.0)
C15.8 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of esophagus
C15.9 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus, unspecified

C16 Malignant neoplasm of stomach

Use additional code to identify:
alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
Excludes2: malignant carcinoid tumor of the stomach (C7a.092)
C16.0 Malignant neoplasm of cardia
Malignant neoplasm of cardiac orifice