Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/973

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5 Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle and fallopian tube

Torsion of accessory tube
N83.51 Torsion of ovary and ovarian pedicle
N83.52 Torsion of fallopian tube
Torsion of hydatid of Morgagni
N83.53 Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle and fallopian tube
N83.6 Hematosalpinx
Excludes1: hematosalpinx (with) (in):
hematocolpos (N89.7)
hematometra (N85.7)
tubal pregnancy (O00.1)
N83.7 Hematoma of broad ligament
N83.8 Other noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament
Broad ligament laceration syndrome [Allen-Masters]
N83.9 Noninflammatory disorder of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament, unspecified

N84 Polyp of female genital tract

Excludes1: adenomatous polyp (D28.-)
placental polyp (O90.89)
N84.0 Polyp of corpus uteri
Polyp of endometrium
Polyp of uterus NOS
Excludes1: polypoid endometrial hyperplasia (N85.0-)
N84.1 Polyp of cervix uteri
Mucous polyp of cervix
N84.2 Polyp of vagina
N84.3 Polyp of vulva
Polyp of labia
N84.8 Polyp of other parts of female genital tract
N84.9 Polyp of female genital tract, unspecified

N85 Other noninflammatory disorders of uterus, except cervix

Excludes1: endometriosis (N80.-)
inflammatory diseases of uterus (N71.-)
noninflammatory disorders of cervix, except malposition (N86-N88)
polyp of corpus uteri (N84.0)
uterine prolapse (N81.-)
N85.0 Endometrial hyperplasia
N85.00 Endometrial hyperplasia, unspecified
Hyperplasia (adenomatous) (cystic) (glandular) of endometrium
Hyperplastic endometritis
N85.01 Benign endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia (complex) (simple) without atypia
N85.02 Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia [EIN]
Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia