Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/115

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NO. 2



��napimitacihu't'ua that ye did stumble selves pain.

��p&fO But

��hogakot that with


��kugamumo'doT Then they there from

a'migama.itwr'cturda they from us will quit

��napimit'atumk6'kdat that ye did already your-

pi'miamhacuma'k'a ye not any yourselves will*

namaritgo'k'oraG that they are our manes

amiivo' 'pmicda they will raise

��navarawo p'uivas that is their faces

��namho'kotso'sbi'da that they with will shield

ci"a'rwo"ta east beneath

��navaricda'di ka'vaT that is health. Chimal

navaricko " k'dakam that is sickness

va'varip hu'rnip

north west

o'gipas 1 arici'vgo'k rrhi to'-

south l are seven beautiful skies=

tvacdam ku.a'bimodor amiboimu'mgiaD'a on. Then there from they hither will bend

hog'a na'va'raci'cvoD'aD namhok'o'itxo'- that that they are their plumes that they with*

pictorda hog'a navarha'k'"da 2

for us will chill that which is complete. 2

kuhidi'ko'D pimictunha'gicda kirrr-

Then this with ye me will pardon. Then I*

i'nim&.ha'pu.anra'tuD napimarinha'ha'cdun here thus you give to know that ye are my relations.

dio's picambi'ak'a God for you will feel.


This prayer is addressed by the Chief Singer to the communicants assembled to celebrate the Fiesta of the Pinole, or corn meal, at the beginning of the ceremony.


Ye are my brethren who are seated here. Ye need on no account feel sad. For God who is our Father and our Mother will purify you from afar with your arrows, which are

1 Eleno gave o'gipa; Rito insisted that o'gipas was correct.

��the cold. They will cast from you the pesti- lence which he will put far aside. No harm will come unto us this night while we are seated here in this beautiful green court of our spirits. From afar they will send us increased succor, health and clouds, that with their help we may behold.

Ye will pardon me this formula, my breth- ren. Ye have tired yourselves on your sad way hither; ye have stumbled and hurt yourselves. But do not on that account ap- prehend anything. Our spirits will protect us; they will bring health. With the chimal, which is their faces, will they shield us from sickness beneath the east, the north, the west and the south in the seven beautiful heavens. From there will they bend hither their plumes with which they will chill us.

With this ye will pardon me. Thus do I say unto you, my brethren. May God bless you.


adiu's ing-'G inci'u'k tunha-'giciD To God, my Father, my Morning Star. Me* pardon.

a'tivatsapi'cpuinda"rim amtanimot

We, we say here seating ourselves you begging

ha-'gicdara porki titi'ma"wa gatui'sap pardon because we did hence already scatter

that pinole.

kuti'cpuama - 'tuD b&'cir natpuindadar Then we you cause to know all that we here are seated

nati'tpua'.ma'ciD hidi tukasd'git

that we did already appear this night within

natitupui'niva.dara-iwa ti'cputo'maiam-

that we did here already seat ourselves. We continu*

sd'kcit napimargS'gurkam ci'du'Dkam ally you weep that ye are greatnesses fetishes

kuha'pu.pui'c6-p Then thus also

��na'pimumtotoG that ye are named.

��' Difficult to translate.

�� �