Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/136

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��VOL. I

��go'kunipuama 4 'giD Therefore I you advise

ganavaricma'mdorma' that which is transparent

��ku'pimi'motu.uR'na that ye hence will cast

amba'sa.ftra your gourd within.

��konki'ap.i pimima - 't6hi kunki.-

With which thus is. Ye must know. With which*

��Pitt's. po'cambi'ak'a God you will sympathize.


When the priest-doctor has determined by the extraction of thick spittle from the patient in the sucking examination, that he is afflicted by a chan, he makes a chimal and a bastdn with feathers of the heron and cleanses the invalid by waving the latter over him. He then deposits it at the spring whence the water is brought. The balance of the treatment is as before but the following prayer is recited.


Hail! ye who are called Chants who are seated round about, guarding the cloud of our spirits. It is their transparent carpet, their limpid chimal with which they do shield them- selves. Round about are ye seated, guard- ing the cloud of our Gods.

We beseech you, put away your saucers, your jars, your griddles and your pitchers. Hide them within your transparent gourd. Then will my children not meddle with them; then they will not break anything which lieth within your transparent cornfield. Then will you not afflict my family. Thus do I say unto you for already do my family walk about here and mayhap will meddle. This do I ask of you, for if I tell him who is my Protector and my Morning Star, he will then afflict you. Then do not say afterwards that I did not warn you.

Therefore do I implore you in all hours. And also will we beseech him who is our Morning Star that he stretch unto us his hand. Then, held in it, we may safely behold whatever may come unto us. Therefore do

��I bid you begone into your transparent gourd. Thus shall ye know. May God have pity on you.


��adio' To God

��na'pimaro"oik-am that ye are thanes.

��pimi'mom.u-'rin-ka ganavaricma'mdorma' Ye hence yourselves will cast that which is transparent

��anva-'iniGwd'fa your pelate beneath.

��pimia'mpixo'.tua- Ye not anywhere them

��ko'k'datUD-a ganfami-'lia porki

will sicken that my family because

ni.a - 'kda ganavarinsu'ssidat inci'u'k I will tell he who is my Protector, my Morning* Star,

in.o - 'k' para natuamko'k'dao-a

my Father, in order that he you will sicken.

pimia'masa'nda porki hogavi'tuam-

Ye not later will weep because he you

ko"kdaD - a kuha'pi nicamta'nim

will sicken. Then thus is; I you am begging

ha - 'gicdara kupi'mfm6m.u - 'rinka

pardon. Then ye hence yourselves will cast

ganavaricma'mdorma' amba'kuri.ftra

that which is transparent your water-gourd within.

��pimti'pu.da'nyo Ye if endanger

��api'minwi'cdim ye me following,

��kuni'tuamko'k'daD'a hoga navarci'vgo'k then I you will sicken that which is seven

a'raG napimpuo'kota'rgidic go'ku

formations that ye with are formed. Therefore

nipu.amta'nim ha"gicdara konki'hap.i

I you begging pardon. With which thus is.

��pinva'tok Ye know,

��inka'oG me hear.

��pimihi'mia Ye will go

��piho' napimpuaptu'i' ganavaram-

where that ye are that is your

hi'komak.Sr kudt'os.pocam.ora'dakam cloud within. Then God you withinness.

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