NO. 2
��hoganamaritg&'korak w&'pohi-'mdaM
they that are our spirits before go on.
kuha'pu.pwo'co-p- pimica-ptumda'gia
Then thus also ye in him yourselves will seize
hoga navaritcr'k napuboit'6'kdiM hoga that who is our Father who hither us is extend- ing that
navarno-'vit' para natpuga'nv-
which is his hand in order that we going*
tono'idim woe oras.a"ba
beholding all hours in.
namputsosbit'urdim gacto'nkam hoga That they for us protecting that heat that
navara.u"umih6kof navaraka'k'varak
which are their ceremonial arrows with which are* their chimales
navarawu'p'uivas hoga'k-of mi'pugama'.- which are their faces this with they
itwi'ct'urdiM gacko'k'dakam hoga
for us repelling that sickness. That
navariD - a -/ D navaritna - 'na wadalupi
who is our Mother who is our mama Guadalupe
awi'putnoidim para nata - 'niD'a
she us watching in order that we shall go begging
ha - 'gicdara havaganavarit.o-'k 1
pardon. And he who is our Father
San Anton Tierra they hither us will go guarding
woe 0rasa"ba kuaviamha'ctuD-am.-
all hours in that not anything over us*
a - 'cumdu'nia fco'wHhap'i ho'gia
itself will make. With which thus only
ni'cpunra'tuD kupiambi'a'ka nap'i-
I thee cause to know. Then thou not wilt need that*
ho'wan.soi'mo'rida rrrvwi' kupi'-
thou anywhere sad wilt feel me with. Then thou=
��captumda'gia navarinsu'spidaf inci'u'k- in him thyself wilt seize who is my Protector, my* Morning Star,
ino-'k- konkiha-'po-'p- ha-c-unro'ra'd-ak-am my Father. With which thus also any thy*
When one person is angry with another or on bad terms with him and wishes to resume amicable relations, he goes to the other's house and recites to him the follow- ing prayer.
The influence of Christian theology is un- usually evident.
Greetings! Unbidden have I come hither to speak unto thee. Thou must not feel angry; I come to beg forgiveness. Neither look askance. Thou must be possessed of the spirits of those who have gone before. Thou must be possessed likewise of our Father who reacheth unto us his hand that we may go beholding throughout all hours. With their arrows do they protect us from the heat and with their chimales, which are their faces, they cast from us the plague. She who is our Lady, our Mother of Guadalupe, is watching us that we beg forgiveness. And He who is our Father, San Anton Tierra, will guard us throughout all hours that no evil may be- fall us.
This only do I say unto thee. Thou needst not feel angry at me. Thou must be pos- sessed of my Lord, my Guide and Morning Star. Thus be thy thought.
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