Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/166

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��VOL. I

��change of the stem-vowel without reduplica- tion. For instance:


(tcu'umkEn, i WORK, tcu'tcuEmkEn, I WORK A LITTLE)

tuawo"ut', BOY (Hbl.) is probably derived by such a process from tuwe"ut', YOUTH (Hbl.) (tuatuawo"ut', BOYS)

A few plurals seem to be formed by similar methods :

Laq, TO COME; pi., La'zfik Teit. wuxt, TO SNOW; pi., we'iixt Teit.

The plurals of diminutives are formed con- sistently by means of a process of double re- duplication. They are derived directly from the diminutive. The first reduplicating syl- lable which precedes the diminutive form de- notes the plural and is identical with the re- duplicating element of the simplex. The accent remains on the same syllable as in the singular-diminutive form.

pa'zulqo, LAKE; dim. pi., pEzpa'pzulqS Hbl. sqa'xa 1 , DOG; dim. pi., sqExqa'qxa' Hbl. Mini' l.its, WOMAN; dim. pi., smlmu'mlats Hbl. qlu'mqEn, HEAD; dim. pi., q'.Emqlo'qlumqEn" Hbl. fmo'a", COUGAR; dim. pi., smSmo'moa" Hbl. qoe'sp, BUFFALO; dim. pi., qosqoi'qsp Hbl. sno'ya, BEAVER; dim. pi., snono"nea Hbl. MII..I\, SNAKE; dim. pi., smama'ma'x Hbl. so'pa', TAIL; dim. pi., sopso'spa' Hbl. squ'm, MOUNTAIN; dim. pi., squmqo'qum Hbl. si'tslum, BLANKET; dim. pi., sltssi'stslum Hbl. qo', WATER; dim. pi., qo' u qo'q6' Hbl.

(Compare: dim., qo'qo', pi., q6' u qo") smanx, TOBACCO; dim. pi., smEnma'manx Hbl. klEst, BAD; dim. pi., k!Esk!a'k!Est Hbl. sku'ku'me'Et, CHILD; pi., skuku'ku'me'Et Hbl.

(sku'ku'me'Et is no doubt a diminutive form)

The following word suggests an irregularity in the plural-reduplicating syllable of the plural-diminutive :

sqa'yux", MAN; pi. dim., sqaqa"qayux" Hbl. (pi., sqai"qeux)

The following are forms derived from loan- words :

ko'so, PIG; pi. dim., kosko'kso Hbl.

DOS, CAT; pi. dim., pospo'ps Hbl.

tci'kEn, CHICKEN; pi. dim., tciktci'tckEn Hbl.

��tcai'namEn, CHINAMEN; pi. dim., tcintca'tcainamEn sil, CALICO; pi. dim., silsi'sil" Hbl. [Hbl.

mu'la, MULE; pi. dim., mulmu"mla Hbl. ma'nta, CANVAS; pi. dim., manma'manta Hbl. sa'ma", WHITE MAN; pi. dim., sEmsa'sEma" Hbl.

The plural-diminutives are formed by pre- fixing the reduplicating syllable of the plural to the diminutive even in those cases where the dimunitive is not formed by the ordinary type of initial reduplication :

tsi'a', BASKET; pi. dim., tsitsiai" Hbl.

(dim. tsiai") Ia', GOOD; pi. dim., i l 'iai' Hbl.

(dim. iai') xazo'm, BIG; pi. dim., xaxazo'zom' Hbl.

(dim. xazo'zom') spla'nt, SKUNK; pi. dim., spElplaTnt Hbl.

(dim., spla'l'nt) q!ume"Ema', LITTLE; pi. dim., q!umq!uma'nie'Ema'

Hbl. (dim., qluma'me'Ema') sa' a le'c, KNIFE; pi. dim., silsa'Me'c Hbl.

(dim., sa'*le"c)

sau"ut, SLAVE; pi. dim., so'"se'so'ut Hbl. (dim., se'so'ut, pi., so' u sau"ut)


The principles by which the Shuswap re- duplications are formed are identical with those in Thompson. Thus the plural is ordi- narily derived from the simplex by a repetition of the stem including the consonant following the vowel (see Boas: BAAS 1890, p. 683).

pa'zutqwa, LAKE; pi., pEzpa'zutqwa Hbl. sqa'lEniux", MAN; pi., sqa'lqalEmux" Hbl. no'xEnox, WOMAN; pi., noxno'xEnox Hbl. tslila", BASKET; pi., ts!ilts!ila" Hbl. sqla'pqEn, HEAD; pi., sq!apq!a'pqEn Hbl. sqlau', BEAVER; pi., sqlqlau" Hbl. xala'x", TOOTH; pi., xalxala'x" Hbl. ci'ttslu, MOCCASIN; pi., dci'hslu Hbl. sok!Eme"n, KNIFE; pi., suk!suk!Eme"n Hbl. cxa'nix, STONE; pi., cxEnxa'nix Hbl. sq le'txalaqs, BADGER; pi., sq!Etq!e'txalaqs Hbl. sqlwa'xt, FOOT; pi., sqloxqlwa'xt Hbl. stcEkwi'l, ARROW (Thompson, stcEkwi');

pi., stcuk u tcEkwi'l Hbl. klolte", QUIVER; pi., klolktolte" Hbl. klect, BAD; pi., klEckle'ct Hbl. la', GOOD; pi., Ifila" Hbl.

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