Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/235

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NO. 3



��yu'gi'lwala'gwi nu'dalaba'si'na Kwun'a'was this is your direction." Then they went Long-Hair

no'ga widaba' ugi'za'dji'na no'wa and his friends ready to play, then that

ktaha'rrdo ube'djip'han ebe'sk^ha'- magician brought the=

maganal na'ga udla"kan ktaha'n'dwi ball and threw it down, a magic

wa'sagaga'dap mani't'e madje'gwe'Ie empty head, skull. Then it began to roll

ktaha'rrdowi wa'saga'dap na'lau

the magic skull. Then

oma'dnago'no. wa'saga'dap mala'm'te it attacked them the skull. At last

��ubet'ko'gona it drove them

��gwa"li' ktci'so'beguk

near the great ocean,

��me"tagwe'dji'lak kwesa'wei'k nedu'dji' to the end of a point of land. Then so

Kwun'a'was gada'ksko'dak masi wzu'kskam- Long-Hair kicked it all smashed to=

ki'"teka'man ne'dudji Kwun'a'was

pieces. Then Long-Hair

memla'uelmit idak Kwun'a'was ak'wa'dale gave a great laugh. He said, Long-Hair, "Oho!

ni-'dabe bo'skali-'zas'u ebe'sk' w ha'magan my friend, a very tender ball

tce-'na o'wa ni-'a ndabesk' w ha'magan let us ' this my my ball

agwe'tskoha'lane nr'yomo'skip'han

let us try." Then he took out

kwan'a'skwonda'gwal nabe'gas'ik

his spruce-branch tip. When it struck ground,

madje'gwe'le kada'k wa'saga'dap

it began to roll another skull

nawo-'mbi'ga'ni'ye ma'n'ife ma'djeba'- that of ivory. At last it began*

gahada'mu nda"tama ugi-'zi- tca'n'- to bite, not could they kick*

tekamo'na ktaha'n'dowak ma'lam

it away the magicians. Then

abe'tpo'lagona nabr'k so'beguk mani' it drove them to the water in the ocean, then

��tca'uwapi'gidaho'lduwak nabr'k

they jumped all into the water.

begas'o'ldi'dit ktci'name"s'i'la < uladowak 1 Where they struck they were transformed into big= fish. 1

naKwun'a'wasal wun'a'dodama'wona

Then Long-Hair they begged of him

uni'dja'nowa wulege"si'zowa' 2 naKwun-a'was their children's little breech-cloths. 2 Then*


udiJan nda"tama kami'lo'nak wza'm said, "Not I shall give them to you because

e'li'gadona'li'ek'" bedji' na'dode'kolek' 1 " that you sought my life coming to visit you.

nawa'doge nodjibedji'la no'djrna 1 '- A long ways I came from in order to see*

mi'hyo'lek' w ki-'bwa nr'dji'ak nani'"kwup you, you my brothers. But now

ndjeli'bma'uzi'ek' w ni'dji'a'steke > srek' w

hence so you shall live you shall never increase."

wuli-'dahaso'ldi'wrna Kwun'a'was ni-'daba' They rejoiced Long-Hair his friends.

ba'maga'na na'ga mi'tso'ldi'na They danced and feasted.


Then Long-Hair went away to seek his people. Travelling for seven days, he came to a village. He entered the first wigwam; and an old man and woman in it rejoiced, and said to Long-Hair, "We are very dangerous here in our village. A very bad man is our chief. He tries to kill all who come to his village. In a short time they will come to get you; so take good care of yourself, for they seek your life. You help yourself as much as you are able to." Then came two men. They said, "We are going to kill beaver in the little pond." Said he, "I will go too." The old man said, "And I will help you. Seven men secretly I ordered to go along with

1 Becoming sharks.

2 The sharks asked for these as a means of recover- ing something to enable them to restore themselves by their magic.

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