Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/54

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��VOL. I

��qe'na's, grandmother tawu'na's, son lcita*s, daughter

/ grandson \ granddaughter st'la's, grandchild swad'ls, paternal uncle qe'sa's, maternal uncle / paternal aunt tcats> \ maternal aunt nd'tclti, father-in-law tatsd'lcis, mother-in-law tasti'au'in, brother-in-law sister-in-law f son-in-law \ daughter-in-law son of elder brother son of younger brother daughter of elder brother daughter of younger brother son of older sister son of younger sister daughter of older sister daughter of younger sister taskd'tslis, relatives after death of person caused a relationship

��sux*sl'xis, snd'tcltf,



��PARTS OF THE HUMAN xa'lxal, head waq'i'n, hair wa'qsin, nose tintlana's, ear ttEd'ls, forehead kunai'sun, eyebrow tsitsi'n, lip tasl'linu", tooth wil'ya*, tongue t'lcld'satci, index-finger t'qe'tci, middle finger tslxus, little finger


asai'yshaL, coyote talya'cl, panther si'yu, grizzly bear tluntcdi's?, black bear xqax, cinnamon bear IsEa'ha'f, wolf tasqa'qai, fox u'xudltsi'nu, coon a'lf'u', wildcat


tskak'leu', coals tasndwin, house


llyu 1 ', second finger

from last

ta't'and'tci, thumb qtaxd'tct, finger-nail tlEtcasaus, neck tasha'niliP, arm t'inha'ksdtci, shoulder ci'yEcin, knee I'cfts, leg o'tsinali'kas, breast ntsttls, rib ylnka's, heart

si'sxqlu", eagle ka'katlatci, buzzard kEki'ki, screech-owl ahd'lu, salmon qElu", Chinook salmon cecia'wal, silver-side sal- mon tasni'c, salmon-trout

��qalqa'l, ashes


September. 1913.

�� �