Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/73

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��d, t . . . as in English; sonants and surds difficult to distinguish; surd not aspirated.

//.... like t, with great stress of explosion.

<'.... aspirated, like t in ten.

s . . . . palatal spirant, like Polish s.

ts ... like Polish c.

ts! ... same as preceding, with great stress of explosion.

p . . . . as in English.

pi ... same as preceding, with great stress of explosion.

p' ... aspirated p.

I, m, n . .as in English. .... palatal /, like / in lure.



��h,y, w


��. spirant laterals; subject to frequent in- terchange.

. like L, with great stress of explosion.

. glottal stop.

. aspiration whose palatal or velar char- acter depends upon the character of the vowel that precedes it.

. as in English.

. like wh in whether.

. accent.

. denotes excessive length of vowels.

. is an etymological device indicating loose connection between stems and formative elements.

��i. PA'LIS (SKUNK) 1

Suda'"st Lmu'tsk'Exltlenu't. hau'k'siLx

x'Q'lam 'k'ta's le'wi'. 'LaLxiya 82 qa"'tsE

x'Q'lamtxa, te'mltaLx tsqe'wiLx as LEya'-

tsit. "a'a, ya'tsxax-a hu n 'k'i mEha'It?"

5 - - "a'a, hu n 'k'i sin le'wi', hQ n 'k'in

hi'tslEmal. na'k'sautxap-E'n mu n 'hu?"

-"'Lallya 83 nak's ya'xau. hi'k'e'L

x'ii'lam Lha'nut 'k'ta's hl'tsLEm Is

qauwai'-slo." - "temip-a' mEha'ntEx as

I0 hi'tslEm aili'k'I?" -- "uya 8 ." "sips 4 tqa-

ia'ldl Lha'nut as hi'tslEm, k'ins aya'yusup

na'k'eai kus hi'tslEm k'a'xk'ex." "k'eai'sa,

k'-qau'wis xakuli'n ha s t! usta'yu."

��Temau'x mu n 'hu k'e'a ayai'. 'Lauxiya 8 5

15 qa*'tsE ya'xau, temau'x haihaitxai'.

temau'x qalpal' xe'tsux". te'mtta mu n 'hu

tsimsalsxai'. k - u'k u s-axa 6 k' linayu'Li.

"x-au Lpu n 'k!uyEmts, x-au 'Liya 8 LEhya'-

Isalsxam." 7 k'is mu n 'hu k'e'a Lhilkwai'si.

20 k'Ets hi'k'e sa'xtlell ts-pa'halyust!Emk - .

tern k-au'xuts haihaitxai' qalpal'. qalpal'

k'au'xuts xe'tsux u , te'mlta hi'k'e hala'tsi

1 Told by Thomas Jackson in 1910. This story would seem to be one of the few distinctive traditions that were obtained either by Farrand or myself. At least, thus far this myth has not been found recorded among any other tribe of this region.

2 Consists of 'Liya' NOT; -LX 3d per. pi.


(Once there were) five (boys) related as younger brothers. They were travelling all over the world. They did not travel long, when they came upon a person (Skunk). "Oh, dost thou live here, old man?" -- "Yes, here is my place, here I grew into a man. Where are you going now?" "We are not going anywhere. We just travel to look over the people everywhere." "And have you seen any people already?" "No." "If you want to look at people, I will constantly go with you where the people come together." "All right, this our eldest brother will go with thee first."

And then, indeed, they two started. They two were not going long, when they two rested. Then they two started again. And now (Skunk) began to try repeatedly (his) own (power). He was constantly looking back at (the man who followed him). "Thou shalt follow right behind me, thou sha'n't be dodg- ing here and there." Then, indeed, he would do it. (And Skunk) would just open his anus. Then again they two would take a rest. Once more they two would start, but just similarly

3 Consists of 'Liya.* NOT; -I ist per. pi.

4 Consists of sis conditional particle; -p 2d per. pi.

6 Consists of 'Liya? NOT; -aux 3d per. dual. 'Consists of k-is temporal particle; -uk? suffixed

particle AWAY; -axa suffixed particle AGAIN.


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