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��1 6. Bibliography of the Chinookan Languages (in-

cluding the Chinook Jargon) (BBAE 15 [1893] : 1-81).

III. Texts

17. GATSCHET, A. S. The Klamath Indians of South-

western Oregon (Texts, CNAE 2 [pt. I, 1890] :


18. DORSEY, J. O. The Cegiha Language (CNAE 6

[1890] : 1-794).

19. Omaha and Ponka Letters (BBAE 11 [1891] :


20. MOONEY, J. The Sacred Formulas of the Chero-

kees (Specimen Formulas, RBAE 7 [1891] : 344-


21. RIGGS, S. R. (ed. by J. O. Dorsey). Dakota Gram-

mar, Texts, and Ethnography (Texts, CNAE 9 [1893] : 81-152).

22. BOAS, FRANZ. Chinook Texts (BBAE 20 [1894] :


23. Kathlamet Texts (BBAE 26 [1901] : 1-251).

24. -- Tsimshian Texts (BBAE 27 [1902] : 1-220).

25. HEWITT, J. N. B. Iroquoian Cosmology (RBAE 21

[1903] : 141-339)-

26. SWANTON, J. R. Haida Texts and Myths, Skide-

gate Dialect (Texts, BBAE 29 [1905] : 7-109).

27. RUSSELL, F. The Pima Indians (Linguistics [Songs

and Speeches], RBAE 26 [1908] : 269-389).

28. SWANTON, J. R. Tlingit Myths and Texts (Texts,

BBAE 39 [1909] : 252-415).

29. DORSEY, J.O.; and SWANTON, J. R. A Dictionary

of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages, accompanied with 31 Biloxi Texts and Numerous Biloxi Phrases (Texts, BBAE 47 [1912] : 13-116).

IV. Lexical Material

30. DALL, W. H. Terms of Relationship used by the

Innuit: a Series obtained from Natives of Cum- berland Inlet (Appendix, CNAE i [pt. I, 1877] : 117-119).

31. GIBBS, GEORGE; and DALL, W. H. Comparative

Vocabularies (Tribes of the Extreme Northwest) (Appendix, CNAE I [pt. I, 1877] : 121-153).

32. GIBBS, GEORGE. Dictionary of the Niskwalli

(Niskwalli-English and English-Niskwalli) (Ap- pendix, CNAE i [pt. 2, 1877] : 285-361).


Tribes of Western Washington and Northwest- ern Oregon; Vocabularies (Appendix, CNAE i [pt. 2, 1877] : 247-283).

34. POWERS, STEPHEN. Tribes of California; Appen-

dix, Linguistics (Appendix, CNAE 3 [1877] :


35. BOAS, F. The Central Eskimo (Glossary, RBAE 6

[1888] : 659-666).

��36. GATSCHET, A. S. The Klamath Indians of South-

western Oregon (CNAE 2 [pt. 2, 1890] : 1-705).

37. RIGGS, STEPHEN R. (ed. by J. O. Dorsey). A

Dakota-English Dictionary (CNAE 7 [1890] : 1-665).

38. HOFFMAN, W. J. The Menomini Indians (Vocab-

ulary, RBAE 14 [1896] : 294-328).

39. MOONEY, J. The Ghost-Dance Religion (Arapaho

Glossary, RBAE 1012-1023; Cheyenne Glos- sary, 1039-1042; Paiute Glossary, 1056, 1057; Sioux Glossary, 1075-1078; Kiowa Glossary, 1088-1091; Caddo Glossary, 1102-1103).

40. Calendar History of the Kiowa (The Kiowa

Language, RBAE 17 [1898] : 389-439)-

41. TRUMBULL, JAMES H. Natick Dictionary (BBAE

25 [1903] : 1-349)-

42. DORSEY, J. O.; and SWANTON, J. R. A Dictionary

of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages, accompanied with 31 Biloxi Texts and Numerous Biloxi Phrases (Dictionary and Phrases, BBAE 47 [1912] : 117-340).

43. BYINGTON, CYRUS (ed. by J. R. Swanton and H. S.

Halbert). A Dictionary of the Choctaw Lan- guage (BBAE 46 [1915] : 1-611).

V. Grammatical Material

44. FURUHELM, J. (communicated to G. Gibbs). Notes

on the Natives of Alaska (Appendix, CNAE i [pt. I, 1877] : 111-116).

45. GIBBS, GEORGE. Note on the Use of Numerals

among the T'sim si-an' (CNAE 155-156).

46. GATSCHET, A. S. The Klamath Indians of South-

western Oregon (Grammar, CNAE 2 [pt. i, 1890] : 199-711).

47. RIGGS, S. R. (ed. by J. O. Dorsey). Dakota Gram-

mar, Texts, and Ethnography (Grammar, CNAE

9 [1893] : 3-79)-

48. GODDARD, P. E. Athapascan (Hupa), in Handbook

of American Indian Languages (BBAE 40 [pt. I, 1911] : 85-158).

49. SWANTON, JOHN R. Tlingit (BBAE 40 [pt. i] : 159-


50. Haida (BBAE 40 [pt. i] : 205-282).

51. BOAS, FRANZ. Tsimshian (BBAE 40 [pt. i] : 283-


52. Kwakiutl (BBAE 40 [pt. i] : 423-557).

53. Chinook (BBAE 40 [pt. i] : 559-677).

54. DIXON, R. B. Maidu (BBAE 40 [pt. i] : 679-734).

55. JONES, WM. (revised by Truman Michelson).

Algonquian (Fox) (BBAE 40 [pt. i] : 735~873)-

56. BOAS, FRANZ; and SWANTON, J. R. Dakota

(Teton and Santee dialects), with remarks on the Ponca and Winnebago (BBAE 40 [pt. i] : 875-965).

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