Page:Ibis - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/48

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On a recently described Woodpecker from Siam.

dull olive-green ; a line of red running from above the gape to the neck and a tiny line of reddish above the lores ; chin and throat greenish-white ; back to end of tail-coverts bright, but dark, yellowish-green ; tail black, greenish at the base and with broken white bars on the central rectrices ; lesser and median wing-coverts and inner secondaries like the back, but with a bronze sheen and inner webs blackish; greater coverts, primaries, and outer secondaries blackish-brown barred with white ; upper breast dull crimson-red, forming with the scarlet nape a complete red collar^ the two colours blending on the sides of the neck ; lower breast dark green, abdomen, flanks, and under tail-coverts lighter, more yellowish-green with white and pale yellowish markings.

"Eyes reddish-brown ; bill black ; legs and claws yellow" (Herbert).

Wing 136 mm., bill from front 36 mm., tarsus 30 mm.

The female is like the male, but has the crown dark green ; the collar is less strongly developed on the upper breast, but is equally intense scarlet on the nape.

"Eyes reddish-brown ; bill black ; legs green, claws brown" (Herbert).

Wing 139 mm., bill from front 34·5 mm., tarsus 29·5 mm.

Types. ♂, no. 262, Ban Hoi Mak, Camp no. 39, Siam, 29. ii.20; ♀, Mnong Lep, Camp no. 15, Siam, 16. i. 20.

Mr. Herbert is now unfortunately absent in America, and I am therefore unable to add any field- notes to the description. The plate shows well the more conspicuous features, especially the wholly scarlet crown of the male, the equally brilliant nape of the female, and the strongly marked collar on the breast of both. The green of both sexes is also noticeably darker, yet brighter, than it is in the other species of the same genus.