Page:Ibis Series 10 Volume 5 1917.djvu/562

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Mr. G. Despott on the

existed since the capture of the first specimen — in fact, I came to know of the bird by that name.

258. (246) Pterocles alchata (L.). Pintail Sand-Grouse. Local name : Ganga.

Schembri records the capture of several of these birds at Marsascirocco, Marsa, and Comino in April 1843. I have seen a specimen in Mr. Micallef's collection which was taken in 1896, and I handled one in the flesh which was shot in the neighbourhood of Zurrico in the summer of 1908 ; on several occasions recently these birds have been imported, so that I cannot take into account the three specimens which were obtained in that year.

259. (278) Haematopus ostralegus ostralegus L. The Oyster-catcher.

Local name : Gallina tal buhar.

A quite accidental visitor. Recorded by Schembri, who saw a specimen on the 11th of August, 1841, and two others in September and October of the following year. Wright states that these birds have been observed in April, August, September, October, and November, and records one seen ou the 17th of April, 1854 ; another was killed in the summer of 1860, and a third on the 1st of April, 1861. I have not seen more than half a dozen individuals, all of which occur- red during the summer months. The local name given by Schembri and several others is Cavalier-, this, however, appears to have fallen into disuse, at least for the Oyster-catcher, though several people use it for the Black-winged Stilt.

260. (262) Burhinus cedicnemns csdicnemus (L.). The Stone-CurlcAv.

Local name : Tellerita.

Common during both seasons, and sometimes occurring in considerable numbers during the autumnal period of migration. It appears that the few individuals which arrive in the spring, if fortunate enough to escape the guns of our sportsmen, remain here to breed and do not depart before the middle of summer.