Page:Icones muscorum.djvu/220

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species (Bryol. Europ. 5, Plag. p. 15, t. 504) characters sufficient to separate it from the species under notice are not apparent. And there may he a doubt whether the better course would not be to reduce both of them to Plagiothecium sylvaticum, a species subject to very considerable variation.

TAB. 126.—Hypnum Sullivantiæ.

1, 2. Plantæ femineæ et masculæ naturali magnitudine.
3. Ramus capsuliger.
4. Folia ejusdera.
5. 6. Areolatio folii.
7. Perichæialia cum folio interiore.
8. Archegouium.
9. Capsula operculata.
10, 11. Capsulæ absque operculis.
12. Particular peristomii et annuli.
13. Operculum.
14. Flores masculi.
15. Antheridia et paraphyses.